Προετοιμάζουν το έδαφος για τη Γενεύη - Νέα συνάντηση των διαπραγματευτών
Νέα συνάντηση θα έχουν την Πέμπτη οι διαπραγματευτές Μενέλαος Μενελάου και Γκιουνές Ονάρ.
Apparently @qatarairways system is down at @Melair . Hopefully not much delay pic.twitter.com/6apnLWt0Mk
— Osama Nasir (@osamanasir) September 28, 2017
The @Qantas check in system down. Massive queues in Hong Kong. Not sure why they can't get this right pic.twitter.com/lrL5jUzVEN
— Paul Harapin (@paulharapin) September 28, 2017
'uuuge delays at Haneda Airpot for @Qantas. They've communicated and are trying, can't ask for much more. At least there's a sick view! pic.twitter.com/v8EIspuu2r
— Shane Miles (@shane___miles) September 28, 2017
Anyone flying @SouthwestAir from @BWI_Airport this morning, GET HERE EARLY. All kiosks down. pic.twitter.com/4WhfPh7H2s
— AngryBird (@PoorRobin) September 28, 2017
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