Nico Laconico, the Chief Operating Officer of the Casino & Gaming group of a massive corporation in the Philippines has set the new goals for Megabet Plus

Nico Laconico, the Chief Operating Officer of the Casino & Gaming group of a massive corporation in the Philippines has set the new goals for Megabet Plus

Nico Laconico, the Chief Operating Officer of the Casino & Gaming group of a massive corporation in the Philippines has set the new goals for Megabet Plus, which will introduce new exciting games, platforms and innovations. During his speech, Mr. Laconico said that he is ready to move the company to an international level.

"Happy New Year everyone!

I want to thank each and everyone here tonight. Thank you for taking time to celebrate with us! What a year it was for Megabet Plus and all its agents, partners and suppliers! We welcomed many new agents to the family in 2018, and I am confident we will welcome even more in 2019. This family we call Megabet Plus has transformed Cyprus in many ways. Megabet Plus shops have become the neighbourhood place to gather, watch games and cheer for our favorite teams!

What does 2019 have in store? Well, this is 2 years in the making. And I’m happy to say that we are taking Megabet Plus to the international stage. I am Nico Laconico. Some of you may have seen me in Cyprus over the last 2 years. We have been working with Megabet Plus for an international joint venture. We have publicly listed companies in the Philippines, Hong Kong and Singapore stock exchanges with over 70 companies in our portfolio. Our petroleum company Phoenix sold 1.7 billion litres of fuel in our 530 gas stations in 2017. Our base of operations is the Philippines and we operate hotels, the biggest logistics company in the country, the biggest ferry company with more than 100 ships, and recently started a €5 billion phone company. As well as building a €10 billion development called Clark Global City.

I am the Chief Operating Officer of the Casino & Gaming group. We are building the biggest casino in the Philippines with over 900 rooms, a €1 billion investment. We operate virtual casinos all over Asia and other regulated jurisdictions which has an annual turnover of more than €2 billion. When I speak of our corporation, the word billion come up a lot. We have more than 10 companies who’s revenue is over €1 billion! We are a massive company.

I met Lazaros in 2017 and I instantly I knew we wanted to work with such a dynamic and charismatic person. He is larger than life, but humble and a servant of God. We also met with the National Betting Authority which has an excellent reputation around the world for being fare, honest and professional. To be honest we looked at many countries and companies throughout Europe. But I personally chose Megabet Plus to be our 1st joint venture in Europe and Cyprus our global headquarters for gaming.

We are investing in Megabet Plus, Cyprus and Europe. With Cyprus as our home base! In 2019 you will see new products, new innovations and new profits!

But what will not change? The Megabet Plus family. You will see the same hard working people you’ve been working with all these years. And the same love for each and every agent. That will never change.

What will change? With our even stronger bond with the world’s biggest gaming platform company PlayTech, we will introduce new exciting games, platforms and innovations that the we and biggest companies around the world are currently using. Like I said 2019 is going to be an exciting year. I look forward to taking that journey with each and everyone of you."

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Πλησιάζουμε στη Γενεύη: Το πλάνο της Λευκωσίας - Η σιωπή Γκουτέρες

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