Νέος χορηγικός συνεργάτης για τον ΑΠΟΕΛ

Νέος χορηγικός συνεργάτης για τον ΑΠΟΕΛ

Νέα χορηγική συνεργασία για τον ΑΠΟΕΛ με την εταιρεία χονδρικής ένδυσης και υπόδησης, LONDOU BROS.

Αναλυτικά η ενημέρωση:

Η εταιρεία ΑΠΟΕΛ ΠΟΔΟΣΦΑΙΡΟ (ΔΗΜΟΣΙΑ) ΛΤΔ καλωσορίζει στην οικογένεια των χορηγικών συνεργατών μας, τη νούμερο ένα εταιρεία χονδρικής ένδυσης και υπόδησης στην Κύπρο, LONDOU BROS ως επίσημο προμηθευτή πολιτικής ενδυμασίας με το brand SIKSILK . Η χορηγική συνεργασία μας θα καλύψει την ποδοσφαιρική περίοδο 2018-2019.

Η επίσημη παρουσίαση της εταιρείας


C&C Londou Bros Ltd established in 1996 by the two co-owners Mr.Christakis Londou and Mr. Charampos Charalambous. It has a strong presence in the wholesale market of Cyprus enjoying more than 1000 accounts


The company is leader in the distribution of apparel, footwear, and accessories brands, from the high end prêt a porter to younger lines and Jeanswear. Through the diversification in its Brand portfolio, the company has formulated a response towards our today’s demanding market.

The partnerships that have been developed in the past twenty years with the most important international designers have stimulated a growth path in terms of product distribution and Market development.

Few examples of the brands: Sik Silk , Imperial, U.S Polo Assn, Class Cavalli, Elisabetta Franchi, Silvian Heach , Gianni Kavanagh, Bikkembergs, Sinners etc.


The Corporate strategy arises from market segmentation: each brand has its own distinct identity and is targeted to specific market segments; the DNA of each individual brand is respected while sales are maximized.

The customer can count on an efficient and functional service. In fact, Londou Bros is able to deliver the orders of its customers in one solution offering a complete consulting service: from marketing, visual merchandising and advertising material that facilitates the sell-out in each single sales point.


To offer to our customers an efficient and functional service while achieving market leadership and operating excellence in every segment of our company


Our mission is to build unrivalled partnerships and value for our customers, through the knowledge and dedication of our people. To distribute to the market a diversified portfolio of brands that anticipates and satisfies our customer’s desires and needs.


We value integrity and reliability. We encourage flexibility and responsiveness to our people. We nurture an exceptional association between our customers and suppliers and together we create mutual enduring value which leads to success.



We adopt a complete customized approach to each and every one of our partners and their projects.


We identify and drive opportunistic merchandising strategies and manage key business categories for growth.


Londou Bros Ltd focuses on the distribution of clothing, shoes and accessories brands in the Cyprus Market.


If the strategy of our partner is to open his/hers own mono brand or multi brand store store we can provide all the support needed to ensure the project is a success


Our superior logistic services is one of the key areas which differentiates us from being simply sales agents.


We will handle the day to day operations. We will communicate with the brand headquarters saving our partner time and money.

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[email protected]
[email protected]

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